The age of the Enceladus ocean has been estimated to be 1 billion. It may be just the right age for life." SATURN'S ICY MOON ENCELADUS, A POSSIBLE HOME FOR LIFE. Als Energiequelle für diese Aktivität kommen einerseits Gezeitenkräfte, andererseits Aufheizung durch den Zerfall von radioaktiven Elementen im felsigen Kern des Himmelskörpers infrage. Whether you're doing it for the nerd cred or the pie, this week on #10Things, we've got all the ways you can celebrate #PiDay with NASA. Buy Enceladus: Die Rückkehr by Morris, Brandon Q. Translations in context of "Liste der Saturnmonde" in German-English from Reverso Context: Cassini discovered that geyser-like jets spew water vapor and ice particles from an underground ocean beneath the icy crust of Enceladus. During a close flyby in 2008, Cassini's instruments sampled the plume directly and detected a surprising mix of volatile gases, water vapor, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, as well as organic materials. The sea that lies beneath the icy surface of Enceladus, one of Saturn's moons, could provide even more fuel for extraterrestrial organisms than previously thought. Die Daten der Raumsonde Cassini werden weiter ausgewertet. From deep below the soil at Earth’s polar regions to Pluto’s frozen heart, ice exists all over the solar system...and beyond. Verfasst von Denise. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass Enceladus geologisch aktiv ist. “Enceladus discoveries have changed the direction of planetary science,” said Linda Spilker, Cassini project scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Saturn's icy moon Enceladus is spouting organic compounds into space that were once dissolved in its ocean and could serve as the building blocks for life. Enceladus: Die Rückkehr (German Edition) Bill Dunford. Saturn’s Moon Enceladus Might Be Suitable For Alien Life. Enceladus: Die Rückkehr (German Edition) [Morris, Brandon Q.] Sternwarte Wiesbaden, Bierstadter Str. Because the icy moon is not perfectly spherical — and because it goes slightly faster and slower during different portions of its orbit around Saturn — the giant planet subtly rocks Enceladus back and forth as it rotates. The density of organic materials was about 20 times denser than expected. Distance from Sun: 9.5 Astronomical Units (AU) (Earth = 1 AU). This site is maintained by the Planetary Science Communications team at, Impact Craters Reveal Details of Titan's Dynamic Surface Weathering, Infrared Eyes on Enceladus: Hints of Fresh Ice in Northern Hemisphere, Are Ocean Planets Common? What's next? Here are 10 reasons why Cassini mattered... During NASA's Cassini mission's final distant encounter with Saturn's giant moon Titan, the spacecraft captured the enigmatic moon's north polar landscape of lakes and seas, which are filled with liquid methane and ethane. Director, NASA Planetary Science Division: Compra Enceladus: Die Rückkehr. To their amazement, scientists detected a huge cloud of water vapor over the area and relatively warm fractures in the crust that are supplying the cloud of water vapor and ice particles that extend into space. In der Eiseskälte an Enceladus' Oberfläche wird daraus Schnee, der sich als oberste Schicht wieder ablagert. (ISBN: 9783947283101) from Amazon's Book Store. New research on nine craters on Saturn's largest moon Titan provides details about how weathering affects the surface – and what lies beneath. 47, 65189 Wiesbaden. Der Inhalt der Astrokramkiste darf kopiert und weitergegeben werden. Planetary scientists have learned something significant: More than a quarter of the exoplanets they studied could be ocean worlds. The length of a day on Saturn: 10 hours, 33 minutes and 38 seconds. New measurements of the mass of Saturn's rings reveal their age — and something they have in common with dinosaurs. Die Oberfläche von Enceladus ist abwechslungsreich strukturiert. Cassini detected these passing silica nanograins, which can only be generated where liquid water and rock interact at temperatures above 90 degrees Celsius (about 200 degrees F). NASA's Cassini spacecraft discovered the moon has a global ocean and likely hydrothermal activity. The amount of gravity it exerts is not enough to hold an atmosphere very long. It's Likely, NASA Scientists Find, Saturn's Moon Titan Drifting Away Faster Than Previously Thought, Data From NASA's Cassini May Explain Saturn's Atmospheric Mystery, 10 Ways to Celebrate Pi Day with NASA on March 14, The First Global Geologic Map of Titan Completed, New Organic Compounds Found in Enceladus Ice Grains, NASA's Cassini Reveals New Sculpting in Saturn Rings, 10 Things: Unsolved Mysteries of Saturn's Moons, Cassini Finds Saturn's Rings Coat Tiny Moons, NASA Study Reproduces Origins of Life on Ocean Floor, NASA-Funded Research Creates DNA-like Molecule to Aid Search for Alien Life, Scientists Finally Know What Time It Is on Saturn, NASA's Cassini Data Show Saturn's Rings Relatively New, NASA Research Reveals Saturn is Losing Its Rings at "Worst-Case-Scenario" Rate, Groundbreaking Science Emerges from Ultra-Close Orbits of Saturn, Dust Storms on Titan Spotted for the First Time, Cassini's Final View of Titan's Northern Lakes and Seas, And the Emmy goes to: Cassini's Grand Finale. It was data from the magnetometer aboard the Cassini spacecraft that prompted scientists to take a closer look at Enceladus with a targeted flyby. "It could be a potential source for energy from any microbes," Spilker said at the … Robots can drive on the plains and craters of Mars, but what if we could explore cliffs, polar caps and other hard-to-reach places on the Red Planet and beyond? The area was littered with house-sized ice boulders and surfaces carved by tectonic patterns unique to this region of the moon. Cassini scientists have found the ingredients for amino acids condensed onto ice grains emitted by Saturn's sixth-largest moon. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. on Cassini flew by Enceladus for the last time in October 2015, but explorers will be poring over the data it sent home for years to come, planning for the day we return to delve deeper into its secrets. Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech. A cutaway view of Enceladus. Enceladus: Die Rückkehr (Eismond 4) (German Edition) eBook: Morris, Brandon Q.: Kindle Store Scientists have developed a new prediction of the shape of the bubble surrounding our solar system. Den Enceladus (oder Saturn II) ass den 28.August 1789 vum Wilhelm Herschel entdeckt ginn.. De Mound krut den Numm vum Gigant Encelados aus der griichescher Mythologie.Den Numm Enceladus an déi vu weidere siwe Saturnmounde si vum Wilhelm Herschel sengem Jong, dem Astronom John Herschel, an enger Verëffentechung vun 1847, Results of Astronomical Observations made at the … Hosted by Codex Regius books. Data collected regarding Saturns moon Enceladus on the Cassini mission, March 2006. About as wide as Arizona, Enceladus also has the whitest, most reflective surface in the solar system. Enceladus' ocean is not too young and not too old. pin. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Universe Today. Pictures from the Voyager spacecraft in the 1980s indicated that although this moon is small—only about 310 miles (500 kilometers) across—its icy surface is remarkably smooth in some places, and bright white all over. “As we continue to learn more about Enceladus, and compare data from different instruments, we are finding more and more evidence for a habitable ocean world,” Spilker said. Bereits 2005 haben Cassini-Beobachtungen gezeigt, dass die südpolare Region des Saturnmondes geologisch aktiv ist. Das bedeutet, dass die Oberflächenschicht das einfallende Sonnenlicht nahezu vollständig reflektiert. What’s more, jets of icy particles from that ocean, laced with a brew of water and simple organic chemicals, gush out into space continuously from this fascinating ocean world. This points to hydrothermal vents deep beneath Enceladus icy shell, not unlike the hydrothermal vents that dot the ocean floor here on Earth. Scientists discovered evidence of Enceladus’ internal ocean from gravity measurements based on the Doppler effect and the magnitude of the moon’s very slight wobble as it orbits Saturn. This meant gases may have been originating from the moon's surface or interior. Möglicherweise gibt es unter dem südpolaren Eis sogar einen Ozean aus flüssigem Wasser. The planet also boasts a collection of exotic, and still mysterious, moons. Some of the material falls back onto Enceladus, and some escapes to form Saturn’s vast E ring. Veröffentlicht in Saturnmonde. Find out what the recent news about hydrogen gas at Enceladus means for the search for life beyond Earth. SPEDIZIONE GRATUITA su ordini idonei Planetary scientists now have Enceladus to consider as a possible habitat for life.”. Saturn’s moon Enceladus is a small, icy body, but Cassini revealed this ocean world to be one of the solar system’s most scientifically interesting destinations. This is the first time since Cassini arrived in orbit around Saturn last summer that an atmosphere has been detected around a moon of Saturn, other than its largest moon, Titan. That means Enceladus has hydrothermal vents in it's oceans. The E ring is mostly made of ice droplets, but among them are peculiar nanoparticles. This page showcases our resources for those interested in learning more about ocean worlds. They all point to the possibility of a habitable ocean world well beyond Earth’s habitable zone. Saturn, ringed planet that is the second largest planet in the solar system in mass and size and the sixth nearest planet in distance to the Sun. This suggests there could be a genetic system for life that may be possible on other worlds. Before Cassini arrived at the Saturn system, planetary explorers only had hints that something interesting might be happening at Enceladus. Besonderheiten: höchste Albedo im Sonnensystem (99% Rückstrahlvermögen), noch heute aktiver Kryovulkanismus, Fontänen aus Wassereispartikeln. Saturn's sixth largest moon, Enceladus, is a wintry -180 °C (-292 °F) and is covered in a sheet of ice 30-40 kilometers (19-25 miles) thick. This points to hydrothermal vents deep beneath Enceladus’ icy shell, not unlike the hydrothermal vents that dot the ocean floor here on Earth. That's the … The Cassini spacecraft has been gone for a year now, but the science continues. Using data from NASA's Cassini spacecraft, scientists found Titan drifting away from Saturn a hundred times faster than previously understood. A masterpiece of deep time and wrenching gravity, the tortured surface of Saturn's moon Enceladus and its fascinating ongoing geologic activity tell the story of the ancient and present struggles of one tiny world. Die Oberfläche ist von reinem weißen Schnee bedeckt. Images collected during Cassini's superclose orbits in 2017 are giving scientists new insight into the complex workings of the rings. After analyzing collected data, scientists could figure out that they have hydrogen molecules. The E ring is mostly made of ice droplets, but among them are peculiar nanoparticles. Cassini found that both the fresh coating on its surface, and icy material in the E ring originate from vents connected to a global subsurface saltwater ocean that might host hydrothermal vents. The pictures revealed a surprisingly youthful and complex terrain, almost entirely free of impact craters. The Cassini team explored Enceladus for more than a decade, uncovering one secret at a time, until reaching the startling conclusion that the tiny moon hides a global ocean of liquid water with hydrothermal vents. They came to informally call the deep crevasses “tiger stripes.” Later image analysis provided conclusive evidence that the jets originate near the hottest spots on the tiger stripe fractures (also known as "sulci"). New NASA research confirms that Saturn's rings are being pulled into Saturn by gravity as a dusty rain of ice particles under the influence of Saturn’s magnetic field. Illustration of the interior of Saturn's moon Enceladus showing a global liquid water ocean between its rocky core and icy crust. Ein Teil seiner Oberfläche scheint mit einem geschätzten Alter von 100 Millionen Jahren relativ jung zu sein. Scientists have synthesized a molecular system that, like DNA, can store and transmit information. Hide Map. Gravity measurements indicate the small moon Enceladus has an ocean sandwiched between its rocky core and icy shell, a finding that raises the prospects of a niche for life beyond Earth. “Multiple discoveries have increased our understanding of Enceladus, including the plume venting from its south pole; hydrocarbons in the plume; a global, salty ocean and hydrothermal vents on the seafloor. Over time, scientists determined that the cracked terrain stretching across Enceladus’ active south pole is in constant motion, stretching in some places and buckling in others as the cracks pinch and pull from gravitational forces. As the search for life elsewhere in the Universe continues, scientists have discovered a new top candidate in the form of Saturn's sixth largest moon - Enceladus. Zu sehen sind hier von links nach rechts vier Monde des Saturn: Der unförmige Janus, Pandora zwischen A-Ring und F-Ring, Enceladus als hellster Mond von allen, und Rhea dicht am Saturnglobus. The material shoots out at about 800 miles per hour (400 meters per second) and forms a plume that extends hundreds of miles into space. JPL has won an Emmy Award for Outstanding Original Interactive Program for its coverage of the Cassini mission's Grand Finale at Saturn. With its global ocean, unique chemistry and internal heat, Enceladus has become a promising lead in our search for worlds where life could exist. Die mögliche Existenz von flüssigem Wasser, das Vorhandensein einer Energiequelle und die Beobachtung von organischen Stoffen in der Fontäne von Enceladus machen den Mond zu einem besonders interessanten Objekt für die Astrobiologen. Scientists have reproduced in the lab how the ingredients for life could have formed deep in the ocean 4 billion years ago. Size: 314 miles (505 km) across, small enough to fit within the length of the United Kingdom. Enceladus is a small moon, an ocean world about 310 miles (500 kilometers) across. In terms of life starting and evolving, this is the best age because the different elements would not have had enough time to mix if it were too young. New analysis of data from NASA's Cassini spacecraft finds auroras at Saturn's poles may keep its atmosphere warm. Scientists identified complex organic molecules coming from Saturn’s icy moon Enceladus, suggesting that it could harbor life. clock. Enceladus discoveries have changed the direction of planetary science. NASA Official: When viewed through even a small telescope, the planet encircled by its magnificent rings is arguably the most sublime object in the solar system. Besonderheiten:höchste Albedo im Sonnensystem (99% Rückstrahlvermögen), noch heute aktiver Kryovulkanismus, Fontänen aus Wassereispartikeln Zu sehen sind hier von links nach rechts vier Monde des Saturn: Der unförmige Janus, Pandora zwischen A-Ring und F-Ring, Enceladus als hellster Mond von allen, und Rhea dicht am Saturnglobus. Saturn's moon Enceladus joins Earth, Saturn's moon Titan and Jupiter’s moon Europa in being a solar system body with liquid water on or below its surface. Den Grund dafür entdeckte die Raumsonde Cassini und hielt ihn fotografisch fest: auf Enceladus gibt es Geysire, die Wasser aus dem Inneren des Mondes ausspeien. Science Status: The discovery of Enceladus' global ocean, icy jets and their role in creating Saturn's E-ring is one of the top findings of the Cassini mission. Extrasolare Planeten: Wie Planeten um Rote Zwerge entstehen, CERN: Mit BASE auf der Suche nach Dunkler Materie, Doppelsterne: Der Tanz massereicher Sternpaare, CHEOPS: Ein ungewöhnlich harmonisches Planetensystem. Saturn’s Icy Moon Enceladus. Enceladus has a density of 1.61 g/cm 3, which is higher than Saturn's other mid-sized, icy satellites, suggesting a composition that includes a greater percentage of silicates and iron. In der griechischen Mythologie war Enceladus ein Titan und Bruder des Saturn. Science Writer: Cassini's Grand Finale orbits pay off: Final dives tell the story of the previously unexplored region between Saturn and its rings. Hello Select your address Best Sellers Today's Deals New Releases Electronics Books Customer Service Gift Ideas Home Computers Gift Cards Sell Loving liquid water on Enceladus back in 2005 when Cassini detected water vapor and ice taking pictures out from vents–the so-called tiger stripes–near the moon’s south pole. Thickness of layers shown here is not to scale. Cassini revealed the dramatic truth: Enceladus is an active moon that hides a global ocean of liquid salty water beneath its crust. Something—perhaps an atmosphere—was pushing against Saturn's magnetic field near Enceladus. A global ocean lies beneath the icy crust of Saturn's geologically active moon Enceladus, according to new research using data from NASA's Cassini … These findings first began to take shape in 2005, when Cassini’s cameras obtained the first-ever detailed images of the south polar region of Enceladus. Cassini also found the first signs of hydrothermal activity beyond Earth – making this tiny Saturnian moon one of the leading locations in the search for possible life beyond Earth. Enceladus ist damit der weißeste Himmelskörper des Sonnensystems. "Enceladus – die Rückkehr ... auch auf einem Saturnmond bei Kälte und niedriger Gravitation, ... exakte Beschreibung der Bedingungen einer mehrjährigen Reise in unserem Sonnensystem in der nahen Zukunft und der Besonderheiten eines Aufenthaltes auf … Es gibt Krater, flache Ebenen, Bergrücken, hügeliges Gelände und lange gerade Spalten. The results of the new study offer clues to how life started on Earth and where else in the cosmos we might find it. NASA's Cassini spacecraft has detected dust storms on Saturn's largest moon, making Titan the third Solar System body where such storms have been observed. For Scale: Enceladus is only 314 miles (505 km) across, small enough to fit within the length of the United Kingdom. A global ocean lies beneath the icy crust of Saturn's geologically active moon Enceladus, according to new research using data from NASA's Cassini mission. More than a year ago. Die Aufnahmen auf dieser Seite stammen von der NASA (Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech). Normalerweise sammeln Himmelskörper auf ihrem Weg durch das All Unmengen an Staub und kleinen Steinchen auf, was die Oberfläche dunkler erscheinen lässt. Space and astronomy news. Amanda Barnett The data was consistent with the existence of a large global ocean inside the moon. Also muss es auf Enceladus einen Prozess geben, der immer wieder für frischen weißen Schnee sorgt. Meinungen, Fragen und Anregungen bitte an: Enceladus besitzt einen Durchmesser von knapp 500 km und die höchste Albedo im gesamten Sonnensystem: 99%! GreWi – Organische Moleküle auf Saturnmond Enceladus gefunden. The new observations offer the first actual geophysical measurements of the internal structure of Enceladus, steady with the life of a hidden ocean deep within the moon’s secretive heart. Diese Aktivität konzentriert sich auf vier so genannte "Tigerstreifen", 130 Kilometer lange und 2 Kilometer breite Einschnitte im Eispanzer des Himmelskörpers, aus denen Eispartikel und Wasserdampf ins All ausgestoßen werden. Saturn Moon Enceladus Could Support Life. The measurements suggested a large sea about 6 miles (10 kilometers) deep beneath the southern polar region, under an ice shell about 19 to 25 miles (30 to 40 kilometers) thick. “If life is eventually discovered in Enceladus’ ocean by a mission after Cassini, then our Enceladus discoveries will have been among the top discoveries for all planetary missions.”. New data from NASA's Cassini spacecraft may solved a longstanding mystery. Dust and ice from Saturn's vast rings accretes onto the moons embedded within and near the rings. Site Manager: Show Map. Social Media Lead: It is possible Enceladus is heated by a tidal mechanism similar to Jupiter's moon Io. There’s way more to Saturn than its rings. Continue reading "Saturn’s Icy Moon Enceladus" Skip to content. Overview: For decades, scientists didn’t know why Enceladus was the brightest world in the solar system, or how it related to Saturn’s E ring. As a result, they found Enceladus has a tiny, but measurable wobble as it orbits Saturn. UrlPreviewBox. Monday, May 7, 2018 at 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM UTC+02. The moon creates a ring of its own as it orbits Saturnits spray of icy particles spreads out into the space around its orbit, circling the planet to form Saturns E ring. GUTE-URLS Wordpress is loading infos from grenzwissenschaft-aktuell Please wait for API server to … Cassini mission data provides strong evidence that the northern hemisphere of the moon has been resurfaced with ice from its interior. The first map showing the global geology of Saturn's largest moon, Titan, has been completed and fully reveals a dynamic world of dunes, lakes, plains, craters and other terrains. Ein sensationeller Fund zeigt, wie erfolgreich die Mission wirklich war. Kristen Erickson Saturn’s moon Enceladus features a warm subterranean ocean covered in ice. Enceladus is a relatively small moon. June 29, 2018. In fact, it’s the most reflective body in the solar system. Phillips Davis Dr. Lori Glaze Cassini detected these passing silica nanograins, which can only be generated where liquid water and rock interact at temperatures above 90 degrees Celsius (about 200 degrees F). Posted on October 20, 2015 November 6, 2017 by Matt Williams.