Module Catalogue & Program Structure. Managerial Microeconomics P 1 4 6 4.02. International Macroeconomics P 1 4 6 4.03. International Economics P 1 4 6 4.04. The MIBAS is an English taught, two-year degree program that prepares you to take on challenging positions in multinational companies and organisations. Current issue Browse list of issues Explore. The Journal of Economics & Management Strategy (JEMS) provides a leading forum for interaction and research on the competitive strategies of managers and the organizational structure of firms. Sc.) 4.01. WS SS WS SWS CP SWS CP SWS CP 1 Principles of International Management W* 4 5 2 International Management: Seminar & Cases P 4 5 3 Applied Global Economics & Country Analysis P 4 5 4 International Law & Compliance P 4 5. Anlage 1: Studienverlaufsplan . Studienverlaufsplan Studienverlauf Medienkommunikation: Stand Oktober 2017 Achtung : dieser Plan gilt nur für Studierende, die seit dem Wintersemester 2016 das Fach Medienkommunikation studieren. Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences; Study & Teaching; Bachelor; BA Politik und Verwaltung ; Module Catalogue & Program Structure; Study & Teaching. Biostatistics and Experimental Design : 09 09-MP 087 . Top; Published by Vilnius Gediminas Technical University from 2018. This course will train you to think like an economist right from day one. Students will have the opportunity to focus on courses in health economics and policy, health management and leadership, health analytics and informatics, or … BAA 11 Introduction to Economics BAA 20 Research Methods, Presentation and Soft Skills BAA 42 Network Management and Scheduling BAA 43 Aviation Analytics BAA 33 Airport Management BAA 12 Introduction to Tourism and Travel Management BAA 41 Management in Practice - Case Study in Aviation Management¹ Abschluss: SL = Studien-leistung PL = Prüfungs-leistung Studienverlaufsplan … Betriebswirtschaftslehre (Public and Non-Profit Management) Entwurf / Änderungen vorbehalten Sem. Contact & … The focus lies on topics on globally operating businesses. Studienverlaufsplan Studiengang International Management and Finance - Master of Arts (in Cooperation with Universidad Nacional del Litoral (UNL)) (IMF15-M) — PO 2015 Modul 1. The study programs in Economics and Management Science are designed to give students the knowledge, skills and methods necessary for a critical and successful future involvement in the worlds of Economics and of Business. • Resource Economics and Risk Assessment • Sustainability Management and Food Safety • Elective Modules 2 Bachelorarbeit (3 Monate) 1. Beschlusses vom 18.09.2013 ... Resource Economics, Sustainability and Environmental Management 09 09-MK 13 . Management studieren im Schwerpunkt wertorientiertes Management ermöglicht es Ihnen auch, Kurse wie „Value-based Marketing“, „Organizational Culture and Leadership“ oder „Managing Strategic Change“ zu absolvieren und so Kompetenzen im Bereich der Gestaltung von Veränderungsprozessen in Unternehmen zu erwerben. The Master of Health Economics, Management and Policy program will provide students with a unique set of multidisciplinary skills needed to address the complex challenges faced by the increasingly dynamic healthcare industry. Search in: Advanced search. Modulhandbücher & Studienverlaufspläne. Dies wird dadurch … Studienverlaufsplan : Ein Beginn des Bachelorstudiums Management and Economics ist zum Winter- und Sommersemester möglich. Beschlusses vom 14.11.2012 ... Resource Economics and Environmental Management . Der empfohlene Studienverlaufsplan M.Sc. Management Anlage 1: Studienverlaufsplan In der Fassung des 2. About this journal. Eine Nachmeldung nach Ende des Anmeldezeitraums ist nicht möglich! Course of study. [pdf] Zugangsordnung Sustainability Economics and Management M.A. Dear Students, If you are reading this, you are either interested in the MA International Business and Sustainability (MIBAS) at Universität Hamburg or you have indeed already opted for this program.Thank you! In short: Internationality is lived in this degree program. Demonstrate practical economic and risk management as well as decision making skills; Undertake risk analysis for agricultural businesses and agricultural investments; Interpret, analyse and evaluate the financial and economic performance of an agricultural business; Identify appropriate strategies for agribusiness analysis by interpreting management objectives, resource implications, … Die genauen Anmelde- und Prüfungszeiträume entnehmen Sie bitte der jeweiligen Terminübersicht Ihres Studiengangs 09 09-MP 87 : Global Nutrition and Agriculture . 4 5 5 International Human Resource Management … The new program Master of Science in International Economics and Economic Policy (IEEP) is our answer to the challenges of a globalizing economy for businesses, economic policy and society. Economic cooperation and contract research; Cooperation agreements ; Contract Research; Inventions and patents; Consultation for Inventors; Patent database and research; Participations and spin-offs; Corporate investment management; Participations of the University; Association memberships; Awards; Thomas Fredenhagen Award; Founder Award, Sparkasse zu Lübeck AG; Competence centres; … 09 09-MK 02 : Biostatistics and Experimental Design . Quantitative Methods A P 1 4 6 6.02. Overview. You will develop your knowledge on the ideas and methods used by economists to support successful business and management. Studienverlaufsplan Master International Management Stand: 09/2017 WS SS WS SWSCPSWSCPSWSCP 1 Principles of International Management W Bleuel 4 5 2 International Management: Seminar & Cases P Bleuel 4 5 3 Applied Global Economics & Country Analysis P Funk 4 5 4 International Law & Compliance P Fischer 4 5 45 5 International HRM W Weinert 6 International Finance & Risk Management … Announcements Skip slideshow. • Resource Economics and Risk Assessment • Analysis of International and Regional Supply Chains • Integrated and Sustainable Management Systems • Elective Modules 2 Bachelorarbeit (3 Monate) 1. Methoden), Wirtschaftsrecht, -informatik und -pädagogik (30 ECTS) International Comparative Management (10 ECTS) Englisch I und II (10 ECTS) … The degree program ‘International Management’ teaches know-how of economics on a wide international scale. BSc Betriebswirtschaftslehre (Ein-Fach) Studienziele & Aufbau des Studiums. Public Management und Non-Profit Management Public Management Non-Profit Management Public Sector Economics Allgemeine BWL Wahlpflichtbereich ECTS- Punkte 1 (WiSe) Non-Profit and Public Sector Marketing (6 ECTS) Module … It is designed to endow students with the economic competence and analytical skills for a successful career in administration, government, national and international associations, and global business. Bioinformatics : 09 ZEU-TM-MSc-P1 . Sustainability Economics and Management - Master's Programme Study Infos; How to apply; Exams; Humanity is drawing closer to its ecological limits and … Economic Value Added, Operating Profit, Discounted Cash Flow): Konzeption, Operationalisierung, Aussagekraft und Informationserfordernisse Konsequenzen für die Funktionsbereiche und Handlungsfelder des Unternehmens (operative … The business administration degree Bachelor in Business Studies (BSc) is the perfect qualification for a career in the industry as well as for business administration master programmes. Citation search. Our Business Management and Economics course will provide you with an introduction to economic theory within a business and management context. 25 . Melden Sie sich immer fristgerecht zu Ihren Prüfungen an. Read More >> PDF documents Resources and support materials for the Australian Curriculum: Economics and Business are available as PDF documents. Top positions achieved in national and international rankings repeatedly confirm the high quality of our program. See all volumes and issues. Betriebswirtschaft ... z.B. New content alerts RSS. Studienverlaufsplan Sustainability Economics and Management (M.A.) Supporting Functions in Global Enterprises . Studying Master International Management. BWL- oder VWL-Module aus den Bereichen Management und Taxation, Accounting & Finance und Economics (30 ECTS) Methodenmodule (10 ECTS) Wahlmodule aus den Bereichen Management, Taxation, Accounting and Finance, Economics (inkl. Economics and Business: Sequence of content 7-10 Economics … Studienverlaufsplan . Citation search. As nouns the difference between management and economics is that management is (uncountable|management) administration; the process or practice of managing while economics is (social sciences) the study of resource allocation, distribution and consumption; of capital and investment; and of management of the factors of production. Aims and scope; Journal information ; Editorial policies; Latest articles. Economic Policy and Empirical Evidence P 1 4 6 5.01. Studienverlaufsplan M.A. The lectures of this degree program is largely held in English and you will learn both Business English and another foreign business language. Stand: 09/2019. [pdf] News Frequently asked questions concerning the application process . Transition Management Anlage 1: Studienverlaufsplan In der Fassung des 1. 7.1 Economics 2 2 2 2 7.2 Business Administration 2 2 3 2 TCM-80 8 8.1 Non-wovens 2 2 22 8.2 Spinning 2 2 32 TCM-90 9 TCM-91 9.1 Communication and Presentation 2 1 1 Pr 2 2 TCM-92 9.2 Project Management 2 1 1 Pr 2 2 TCM-93 9.3 Intercultural Management 2 1 1 Pr 2 2 TCM-100 10 TCM-101 10.1 Clothing Technology 2 2 Pr 2 2 Unabhängig vom Studienbeginn ist durch den abgestimmten Studienverlaufsplan gewährleistet , dass alle Studierenden zum Beginn des dritten Semesters mit Eintritt in die Profilierungsphase den glei-chen empfohlenen Studienverlauf teilen. The Master of Health Economics, Management and Policy (Global) provides a global orientation for professionals within the healthcare sector. 09 09-MP 95 : Current Developments in Nutritional Sc ience . Journal of Business Economics and Management. The programme in business administration at the EBS Universität is the perfect qualification, no matter if you want to follow a business career in leading positions or keep studying in a masters programme. 09 09-MK 13 : Risk Assessment, Biosafetyand Patent Law . Project Economics and Control MP05 Project Economics 23 MP06 Project Control 23 Establish Teams and Organization MP07 Human Resource Management in Projects - including Competences, Team Building and Leadership 23 MP08 Project Organization 23 Quality Management and Standards MP09 Standards and Mainstreaming 23 MP10 Managing Quality 23 Communication and Conflict Management … Volume … Introduction to International Business Law P 1 4 6 6.01. Risk Assessment, Biosafety and Patent Law : 09 09-MK 02 . Modulhandbücher & Studienverlaufspläne. Betriebswirtschaftslehre (Public and Non-Profit Management) Entwurf / Änderungen vorbehalten Sem. Public Management und Non-Profit Management Public Management Non-Profit Management Public Sector Economics Allgemeine BWL Wahlpflichtbereich ECTS- Punkte 1 (WiSe) Non-Profit and Public Sector Marketing (6 ECTS) Module … Tabellarischer Studienverlaufsplan MSc Environmental Assessment and Management im Schwerpunkt „Environmental Conservation and Restoration Management“ (EAM 3): Lehrveranstaltungen zu den einzelnen Modulen Modul-Kennung Modulname Pflicht/ WP Lehr-form Se-mes-ter Titel SWS CP GEOS MA6EAM001 Geostatistics and Time Series Analysis P VÜ 1 Geostatistics and Time Series … International Activities. Global Nutrition and Agriculture : 09 09-MP 100 . At the Department of Economics, we do our best to provide a learning environment that facilitates the academic and personal development of our students. Exemplarischer Studienverlaufsplan für den Masterstudiengang (Master of Science, M. Bachelor. Subscribe. It provides a practical toolkit of leadership and management skills as well as analytical and conceptual knowledge of health economics, policy and governance. Der empfohlene Studienverlaufsplan M.Sc. The approach to engaging with the business world … Lehre im WiSe 2020/21. „Operations Management“ Semester 4 SS (30) MWiWi 7 Master-Thesis MWiWi 1.7 Marketing 3 WS (30) MWiWi 1.6 Informationsmanagement MWiWi 4.5 Planungs- und Berichtsysteme im SCM MWiWi 6 Seminar II 2 SS (30) MWiWi 1.1 Controlling MWiWi 4.1 Advanced OR-methods in Operations Management MWiWi 6 … The Journal features theoretical and empirical industrial organization, applied game theory, and management strategy. Schlüsselkompetenzen. Betriebswirtschaft (viersemestrig) – General Management V Studienverlaufsplan M.A. Pursuing a master's degree at Mannheim means joining an international student body. The Australian Curriculum: Economics and Business is organised in two related strands: economics and business knowledge and understanding, and economics and business inquiry and skills. The Master's programme in International Economic Policy is an internationally oriented programme which aims at preparing students for applying rigorous theoretical and empirical economic analysis to a wide range of issues relevant for business and public policy.